Division of Biology and Medicine
Center on the Biology of Aging

Trenton Woodham, PhD

Scientist, Astella Pharma


Graduated: January 2021
Current location: Astellas Pharma,  Westborough, MA

Mentors: John M. Sedivy (primary), Ashley E. Webb (secondary)

Description of trainee's research project and progress: Trenton Woodham was a student in the lab of Professor John Sedivy. He developed a new cell culture system to investigate the replicative senescence of human astrocytes. He matriculated in the MCB Program in September 2014. He was supported by this T32 from 06/01/16 to 08/31/18). He successfully defended his Ph.D. on January 7, 2021 (time to Ph.D. defense, 6.3 years). His work contributed to one published paper, and another paper is in preparation from his thesis work. He is currently employed at Astellas as a Staff Scientist.

Conference presentations: Trenton has participated in local meetings, retreats and other venues. He attended a national meeting (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Molecular Mechanisms of Aging, September 26-30, 2016).  He contributed work that was included in a poster presentation from another graduate student in the Webb Lab:

1) Kim S, Dhakal S, Brown A, Woodham T, Gura M, Webb AE. Elucidating the transcriptional networks that preserve adult neural stem cells. Rhode Island NIH IDeA Symposium, Providence, RI, March 17, 2016, (Abstract-poster).