Past Aging Seminars
Past Seminars
Speaker: Rajan Jain (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: Deciphering how 3D genome organization orchestrates cellular identity
Sep 21, 2023
Speaker: Anne Bronikowski (Michigan State University)
Title: Leveraging evolution’s solutions: Wild animals provide insights & advances
in the biology of aging
Apr 13, 2023
Speaker: Vera Gorbunova (University of Rochester)
Title: Mechanisms of Longevity from Naked Mole Rats to Whales
Mar 23, 2023
Speaker: Karthikeyani Chellappa (Brown University)
Title: Metabolic Tracing to Probe Health and Disease
Mar 2, 2023
Speaker: Aric Rogers (MDI Biological Laboratory)
Title: Tissue-Specific Anabolic Circuits downstream of mTOR Control Diverse Physiological and Molecular Adaptive Responses.
Nov 11, 2022
Speaker: Fabrizio D'Adda Di Fagagna (Italian Foundation for Cancer Research
Institute of Molecular Oncology)
Title: The Contribution of the DNA Damage Response (DDR) to telomere-driven
age-related diseases
Oct 20, 2022
Speaker: Payel Sen (National Institute on Aging)
Epigenetic Mechanisms of Tissue Aging
Sep 22, 2023
Speaker: Hua Bai (Iowa State University)
Title: Mechanisms of aging: From inter-organ communication to inter-organelle
Nov 18, 2021
Speaker: Josh Dubnau (Center for Developmental Genetics at Stony Brook University)
Title: Retrotransposons and endogenous retroviruses as causal factors of neurodegenerative disease
Oct 21, 2021
Speaker: Duygu Ucar (Jax Center for Aging Research)
Title: Genomic Signatures of Immune Aging and Vaccine Responsiveness
Sept 23, 2021
Speaker: Christopher Wiley (Tufts University)
Title: Metabolism of senescent cells as a target for healthy aging
Apr 8, 2021
Speaker: Veronica Galvan (University of Texas at San Antonio)
Title: Mapping molecular pathways of brain aging to understand Alzheimer’s disease
Mar 11, 2021
Speaker: Susana Gonzalo-Hervas (St Louis University)
Title: The danger of self-DNA accumulation in the cytoplasm during aging.
Feb 11, 2021
Speaker: Joseph A. Baur (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: Manipulating NAD+ metabolism in mammalian tissues and mitochondria.
Jan 28, 2021
Speaker: Thomas Kirkwood (Newcastle University)
Title: Aging and evolution.
Nov 18, 2020
Speaker: Malene Hansen (Stanford University)
Title: Cellular recycling: role of autophagy in aging and disease.
Oct 1, 2020
Speaker: Coleen Murphy (Princeton University)
Title: Transgenerational Inheritance of a Learned Behavior.
Feb 20, 2020
Speaker: Joao Passos (Mayo Clinic)
Title: Mitochondria, telomeres and cell senescence: Implications for aging and age- related diseases.
Jan 28, 2019
Speaker: Morgan Levine (Yale University)
Title: DNA Methylation Landscapes in Aging & Disease.
Apr 18, 2019
Speaker: Shelley Berger (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: Epigenetic pathways as targets in human disease.
Mar 28, 2019
Speaker: Anne Brunet (Stanford University)
Title: Understanding and Modeling Aging.
Feb 21, 2019
Speaker: Mina Konigsberg (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa)
Title: Modulating the Redox State: An Alternative to Modify the Behavior of Senescent Cells in the Aging Brain.
Apr 19, 2018
Speaker: Heinrich Jasper (Buck Institute for Research on Aging)
Title: Inflammation and immune modulation: tackling age-related regenerative dysfunction.
Mar 22, 2018 - Cancelled due to the storm.
Speaker: Luigi Fontana (Washington University, St. Louis)
Feb 22, 2018
Speaker: Meng Wang (Baylor College of Medicine)
Title: Metabolic Drivers in Longevity Regulation.
Feb 7, 2018
Speaker: Jef Boeke (Institute for Systems Genetics NYU Langone Health)
Title: Evidence that retrotransposition of LINE elements is linked to S phase.
Nov 30, 2017
Speaker: Rafael de Cabo (National Institute on Aging)
Title: Manipulating Lifespan through Dietary Interventions: Are We There Yet?
Oct 26, 2017
Speaker: Dana Miller (University of Washington)
Title: Fasting protects against hypoxia-induced proteostasis defects in C. elegans".
Sept 21, 2017
Speaker: Darren Baker (Mayo Clinic)
Title: Linking Senescent Cells to Organismal Aging.
Apr. 20, 2017
Speaker: Weiwei Dang (Baylor College of Medicine).
Title: Epigenetic regulation of aging – New insights learned from simple model organisms.
Apr. 6, 2017
Speaker: Steve Horvath (UCLA)
Title: The epigenetic clock and recent applications.
Mar. 9, 2017
Speaker: Daniel Promislow (University of Washington)
Title: Metabolomics and the Systems Biology of Aging.
Feb. 1, 2017
Speaker: Vera Gorbunova (Universtiy of Rochester)
Title: Transposons and Aging.
Dec. 14, 2016
Speaker: Jan Vijg (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
Title: Single-cell, whole genome sequencing in studying aging.
Nov. 17, 2016
Speaker: Marcia Haigis (Harvard Medical School)
Title: Roles for Mitochondria in Health and Disease.
Oct. 20, 2016
Speaker: Vadim Gladyshev (Harvard Medical School)
Title: Genomics of Aging and Lifespan Control.
Sept. 15, 2016
Speaker: Utz Herbig (Rutgers University)
Title: Cancer, Aging and Tissue Repair: The Telomere Connection.
Apr. 21, 2016
Speaker: Lea Harrington, (University of Montreal)
Title: The impact of unstable stem cell fate elicited by short telomeres on aging and cancer.
Mar. 17, 2016
Speaker: Joseph Baur, (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: The influence of NAD metabolism on the longterm health of mammalian tissues.
Feb. 18, 2016
Speaker: Eric Greer, Ph.D. (Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School)
Title: Towards a Mechanism of Transgenerational Inheritance of Longevity.
Apr. 23, 2015
Speaker: Patrick Maxwell (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Title: The emerging story of retrotransposons and aging – more complicated than we think?
Mar. 19, 2015
Speaker: James Nelson (Barshop Institute for Aging Studies, University of Texas Health Center at San Antonio)
Title: Dietary restriction and other interventions that influence longevity: What can they tell us about aging?
Feb. 19, 2015
Speaker: James Mitchell (Harvard School of Public Health)
Title: Hydrogen sulfide metabolism in dietary restriction-mediated longevity and stress resistance.
Apr. 17, 2014
Speaker: Joshua Dubnau (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
Title: The transposon storm hypothesis of neurodegeneration.
Apr. 3, 2014
Speaker: Andrzej Bartke (Southern Illinois School of Medicine)
Title: Growth hormone and aging – surprising benefits of endocrine defects.
Feb. 12, 2014
Speaker: Sandy Chang (Yale University School of Medicine)
Title: Genomic instability and premature aging in mouse models of telomere dysfunction.
Dec. 12, 2013
Speaker: William Mair (Harvard School of Public Health)
Title: Neuroendocrine regulation of aging by CRTC-1.
Nov. 14, 2013
Speaker: Walter Fontana (Harvard Medical School)
Title: The susceptibility of lifespan in C.elegans.
Oct. 17, 2013
Speaker: Sylvia Lee (Cornell University)
Title: Trimethylation of Lysine 36 of histone H3 preserves gene expression stability with aging.
Apr. 18, 2013
Speaker: Holly Brown-Borg (University of North Dakota School of Medicine)
Title: Growth hormone and methyltransferases in long living mice.
Feb. 21, 2013
Speaker: Marc Tatar (Brown University)
Title: Regulation of Drosophila aging by insulin-like peptides.
Jan. 17, 2013
Speaker: Qian Chen (Rhode Island Hospital and Brown Medical School)
Title: MicroRNA and epigenetic regulation of bone development and aging.
Nov. 15, 2012
Speaker: Marcia Haigis (Harvard Medical School)
Title: The role of metabolic reprogramming in human diseases.
Oct. 18, 2012
Speaker: Keith Blackwell (Joslin Diabetes Center/Harvard Medical School)
Title: Diverse functions of SKN-1/Nrf proteins in stress defenses and aging.
Sept. 20, 2012
Speaker: Stephen Helfand (Brown University)
Title: I'm Not Dead Yet – from flies to mice.
Apr. 19, 2012
Speaker: Fabio Demontis (Harvard Medical School)
Title: The regulation of protein homeostasis during muscle aging in Drosophila.
Mar. 15, 2012
Speaker: Amy Wagers (Joslin Diabetes Center/Harvard University)
Title: Reversing progenitor cell dysfunction in aging tissues.
Feb. 16, 2012
Speaker: Rochelle Buffenstein (University of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio)
Title: Cancer and stress resistance in the long-lived naked mole rat: the bare essentials.
Jan. 19, 2012
Speaker: Jan Vijg (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
Title: Genome instability in aging: a single-cell approach.
Dec. 8, 2011
Speaker:David Sinclair (Harvard Medical School)
Title: Genes and small molecules to modulate the pace of aging and disease.
Nov. 17, 2011
Speaker: Marin Lotz (Scripps Research Institute)
Title: Autophagy in joint aging and osteoarthritis.
Oct. 20 2011
Speaker: Gary Ruvkun (Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School)
Title: Xenobiotic surveillance pathways in C. elegans aging.