Molecular Biology of Aging (MBoA) Track
Our objective is to train the next generation of scientists engaged in interdisciplinary research to discover and implement therapies that alleviate the suffering caused by age-associated degenerative processes.
Interested students should apply to the MCB or Pathobiology Graduate Programs and indicate their interest in the Molecular Biology of Aging (MBoA) Track. The MBoA Track constitutes an area of specialization within these parent PhD programs. Once admitted and matriculated, students will pursue a specialized curriculum and perform research with participating faculty.
The MBoA Track is part of, and fully integrated with the MCB and Pathobiology Graduate Programs. By pursuing the MBoA Track students simultaneously fulfill all the requirements of the parent graduate programs leading to a PhD degree. Students can move in and out of the MBoA Track during their PhD career as their interests evolve.
The MBoA Track is supported by a T32 Training Grant from the National Institute of Aging. Professor Sedivy is the Principal Investigator of the grant and the Director of the MBoA Track. Professor Tatar is the Associate Director.