Diego Jaime, PhD
Graduated: June 2021
Current location: Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, San Diego, CA
Mentor: Justin R. Fallon
Description of trainee's research project and progress: Diego Jaime was a student in the lab of Professor Justin Fallon. His project investigated the role of a novel function of muscle specific kinase (MuSK) in the BMP pathway in skeletal muscle. Diego showed that MuSK regulates myogenesis in a biphasic manner in cell culture in response to BMP4. At low BMP4 concentrations, myogenesis is potentiated in a MuSK-dependent manner. However, at high BMP4 concentrations, myogenesis is inhibited in a MuSK-independent manner. He matriculated in the MCB Program in September 2015. He was supported by this T32 from 09/01/17 to 08/31/19). He successfully defended his Ph.D. on June 8, 2021 (time to Ph.D. defense, 5.8 years). His work has already contributed to one published paper, and two more are in preparation.
Conference presentations:
Diego has participated in local meetings, retreats and other venues.