Division of Biology and Medicine
Center on the Biology of Aging

Corinne Hutfilz


Corinne Hutfilz is a student in the lab of Professor Marc Tatar. Her project investigates the mechanisms of lifespan plasticity in adult Drosophila diapause. When exposed to cool temperature conditions, Drosophila melanogasterbecome reproductively dormant, less active, and do not age. Using ATAC-seq, Corinne has identified several candidate DNA binding proteins that may control the non-aging phenotype of diapause, including transcription factors involved in ecdysone signaling, components of the RNA polymerase III complex, and the chromatin reorganization factor Trl. Corinne is currently analyzing RNA-seq data to complement this study and determine which of the previously identified accessible sites are producing RNA transcripts. Corinne matriculated in the MCB Program in September 2017 and is currently in her fifth year in the MCB Program. She was supported by this T32 from 09/01/19 to 08/31/21).